Our Ms. Tanaya Mandal is one of the SAMPE Seattle 2020 winners, thanks to Dr. Creasy for mentoring Tanaya. Link is here
Our Aggie Challenge team presented their poster on the application of nanofibers to water purification systems
(Friday 04/20/2018) Dr. Naraghi gave an invited talk about the Mechanics of Porous Carbon Nanofibers in Texas A&M University, Polymer Technology Industrial Consortium (PTIC) . The talk was well received by the audience from Academia and Industry.
Dr. Naraghi gave an invited talk about the Mechanics of Multifunctional Carbon Nanofibers in University of Wyoming. Dr. Ray Fertig was the host. The talk was received by students and faculty from Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science.
Congraduations to Ian, an undergraduate student from our lab, for having earned an internship in AFRL. Ian will continue our collaborations with AFRL on porous CNFs there.
Christopher Kuo LeBlanc Congratulations! on your award for last year’s ASME 2017 IMECE Track 19 poster session (News from November 2017)
Jizhe Cai Defended (post from January 2018) his PhD thesis! Well-done Dr. Cai. His work was on identifying the mechanics of carbon nanofibers subjected to templated graphitization. Wonderful presentation and Wonderful results.
Our group received new funding from Air Force Research Lab to study highly porous carbon nanofibers
The overarching goal of this project is to develop carbon nanofibers (CNFs) with multifunctional capabilities, such as load bearing, energy storage, and embedded sensing. The development of this novel material system can be broadly appealing in many applications, including aerospace sector, in which developing lighter structures as a means to enhance performance (maneuverability, fuel efficiency, endurance, etc) has been at the heart of materials design. An image of a porous CNF is shown in the figure below.
Yijun Chen, PhD candidate in our group, won the second place student poster session award in PTIC
Yijun Chen, PhD candidate in our group, won the second place student poster session award in Polymer Technology Industrial Consortium (PTIC) Student Poster Session. He presented his work on the encapsulation of functional materials, and controlled release, inside porous micro and nanofibers.
New PhD student joined our group
We are excited for Mr. Sumit Khatri to have joined our group as a PhD student. Sumit got his BSc from IIT, Kharagpur, India.