Tanaya defended her PhD thesis. She did a phenomenal job in extending our understanding of how vitrimer composites work. Well done!
Tanaya won the Best Oral presentation in the Advanced Material’s session.
It is with great pleasure that Tanaya received the Best Oral presentation in the Advanced Material’s session in the annual conference of Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Association in Texas A&M.
Laxmi joined our group
With some delay, we are excited that Laxmi has joined our group. She is my first student from the department of Mechanical Engineering. She is working on mechanics of nanostructured ceramics.
Celebrating Jacob’s PhD defense (December 2023)
Electrification of Aircraft – Invited Talk
Dr. Naraghi have a talk on the subject of electrification of aircraft (University of Minnesota, November 2023)
With some delays! We are very excited for Usama to have joined our group as a PhD student. He will work on fracture characterization of graphene bilayers. A lot of fun ahead of us!
Naraghi and Hartl’s groups started a joint effort to design drones that can get energy from the environment, Project is funded by Army Research Lab
Recycling Carbon Fibers from Thermoset – based composites
Drs. Green (Chemical Engineering) and Naraghi, from TAMU, together with Dr. Vashisth (University of Washington) are being funded to explore new approaches for energy efficient recovery of Carbon Fibers from Thermosets. More details to follow, stay tuned.
Tanaya is now officially a part of the Wi3DP Next Gen Mentorship Program
- Connect with 3D Printing professionals
- Engage with fellow 3D Printing enthusiasts
- Learn from industry experts on emerging 3D Printing technology
- Achieve personal growth by improving your communication and networking skills
- Be part of a global community advancing women and minorities
- Learn about prospective career paths and employment opportunities
Dr. Naraghi gave an invited talk to students and faculty in University of Iowa, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Naraghi gave an invited talk to the students and faculty in University of Iowa, Department of Mechanical engineering. This was part of the graduate seminars. The title of the presentation is shown below. Thanks to Sevketcan (my PhD student) for all his hard work, and also thanks to Dr. Lamuta (Iowa) for inviting Dr. Naraghi.